Judy Doherty Food, CPG, Beverage Photography Videos Content

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Scott’s Protein Balls

We teamed up with Slicebright, a branding agency owned by Amber Hudson, to create a whole new CPG library for Scott’s Protein Balls. The founder developed Scott’s Protein Balls to offer a healthy snack based on superfoods.

Look at the stop motion showing chocolate drizzling over the balls with nuts falling.

Stop motion is a filmmaking technique that involves capturing a series of individual frames or photographs of an object or scene and then playing them sequentially to create the illusion of movement. It is a form of animation used in various films, commercials, and television shows. Stop-motion animation requires patience and attention to detail, often capturing hundreds or thousands of individual frames. However, the end result can be a unique and visually appealing animation that brings inanimate objects to life.